Monday, August 3, 2009

CNN American Morning Join us for the 'most news in the morning' Monday-Friday 6-9 AM ET.

Shannon Stafford, Americans are self centered. Canada, Great Britian, and the rest of the common wealth and most of Europe pay higher taxes so everyone can have health care and other basic needs. All americans care about is me me me and me. one day america will catch up with the rest of the world.
4 hours ago

Paul MacLean, @Shannon..,Yes, it is true that Canada and the UK do pay MUCH higher taxes so that we can get some sort of healthcare. It may not be the quickest, and may not even be the best, but who knows...In the past 20 to 25 years, a trend of some sort has taken place, a couple of our provinces have actually adopted US style of health care, 2nd tier, or better yet known as privatized healthcare, obviously for those who can afford it. Canadian reisdences, as a whole, is hoping that the government will consider in taking steps to allow ALL provinces to adopt all choices of healthcare that one can choose from...but there's a really stupid catch-22 to all of this...Those who have pre-existing conditions or illness(s) will have to stick with the old universal plan...and that probably accounts for 60% of our medical seeking patients here in Canada...In the UK, it's different, they just don't have enough specialists...their healthcare plan(s) just won't cover the high costs for specialists...
4 hours ago

Mark Owenby, The Health care system is in a recession! We need to instead of bailing out all the auto company's , Spend the money on a health care system that will actually work and help the people of the United States. If are sick or dying , we want be able to buy a car anyway ! let's get our Citizens healthy and working again , then less start worrying about bailing out the auto company's or who ever is on that list . Thanks
2 hours ago

Wess Webbgood ole canada with free health care haha
about an hour ago

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