Thursday, July 30, 2009

Washington Post Terror Suspect Daniel Boyd Seemed to Have Typical Suburban Life -
Daniel Patrick Boyd, once a defensive lineman at T.C. Williams High School, is an unlikely symbol of...

Paul MacLean, Is this considered treason?
Yesterday at 10:20

Phillip Wilson, yes
Yesterday at 10:22

Paul MacLean, A question, if anyone can answer..Does treason also warrant the death penalty?...I suppose it depends on the individual case...,right?...Canada and the UK don't have the dealth penalty..treasonists/treasoners (wot ever you wanna call them) just get life without parole...
Yesterday at 10:56

Paul MacLean, Wow..death penalty....sheeesh!! a debate I normally don't want to discuss...but it gets my blood pumpin'..BTW..Im against the death penalty...but, with wot some of the things that people do and its frequencies (criminal acts) these days, it kinda makes me wonder...but about roughly 25/30 years ago both houses of Parliament (Canada and UK) have had numerous discssions and debates of and about reinstating the death penalty...obviously, not much has come out those talks, in either houses...and the rule of law still stands as..NO DEATH PENALTY of any sort is nor will be permitted til further dicussion and debate...
Yesterday at 13:20

Misty Jones Budzinski, Where is the Evidence?????? He was jailed because he had a mind of his evidence what-so-ever that he has commited anything illegal, unless our freedoms are being
Yesterday at 13:38

Paul MacLean, @Misty..,there's a big difference between just speaking your mind and blatantly lying to authorities about recent overseas' trips and reasons..
1) NOT against the law to tell or write to people about his feelings towards the Muslim Faith and how he wants to convert, in fact, its NOT even against the law to say that he would like to join the Jihad...personally not my idea of a "boy scout weekend meeting"
2)...IT IS against the law to conspire against anyperson or persons, or country(s)of any wrong doings to cause harm or fatalities...the FBI were pobably tipped off, somtime in the past few hyears(in which WE do not have full details of)...unfortunately..Mr.Boyd just doesn't know how to lie properly and more than likely, he eluded authorites when questioned...thats all....he JUST may be a person of interest for that matter...
3)...Like I said, sometimes the media doesn't ALWAYS tell you everything..which is probaly the reason why we're quick to jump on everything the way we do.
Yesterday at 15:01

Misty Jones Budzinski, @Paul....I may be a person of interest...and you may be also, but where is the evidence? There is a reason the media does not tell every detail or may leave details out....I wont even go there....but I am CONCERNED, however, that the man may only be guilty of being a radical, which as far as I know, is NOT illegal.
Yesterday at 15:14

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